The Mission of the CareGivers' Project is to create a place to express and reflect on the complexities of being a caregiver for an elder and provide resources, support and benefits to the health of caregivers.
The CareGivers' Project will effect a cultural change in the way giving care to elders is felt and perceived by creating multicentric communities of members, facilitators, teachers, elders and elder care organizations. We envision that access to practical information, self-reflection and community support enhances caregiver well-being. The CareGivers' Project will proactively identify caregivers and assess their needs using a multifaceted approach. Evaluation of the changing needs of caregivers will drive the local content and format of workshops, lectures, discussion groups and web-based informational exchange.
Caregiving is a choice
Caregiving encompasses conflict and reward
Dynamic, evolving and member driven content programs
Measuring and demonstrating effectiveness
What we do
The CareGivers' Project is an advocacy community for people taking care of elders. We collect ideas and develop them into programs, which may occur as face-to-face events in a grassroots location, or as a collective project for personal expression on the web. The CareGivers' Project undertakes programs that have a defined purpose, structure, and measurable outcome. We make no assumptions of what a caregiver is or is not. Some caregivers will choose to observe and absorb while others will actively share. We have learned the most from simply listening to the experiences of a wide range of caregivers, believing that if you have met 100 caregivers, then there are yet another 100 with distinct experiences and needs. An important goal for The CareGivers' Project is to create a place where Generation X and Millennials can use the experiences of Baby Boomers to inform changes in caregiving for a world moving on fast-forward.