A collection of images showcasing the intimacy of simply holding hands
patient attention, support, or instruction
solicitous attention, support, or instruction (as in servicing clients)
Lending a hand: social regulation of the neural response to threat
Social contact promotes enhanced health and well-being, likely as a function of the social regulation of emotional responding in the face of various life stressors.Hands are made to do a lot of things, and one of them is to hold another hand. Hands fit perfectly together, despite whose hand you are holding, which makes it such a comforting gesture. However, holding hands can take on many different meanings, depending on who you are holding hands with. It can symbolize many different feelings and thoughts, depending on the situation, so it is important to know what the different meanings are.
Photographs by Sherry Day, Mickey Hoelsher, and Thyme N Haff, click the photo to see artist attribution.
Thank you to all of our self-identified care-pair participants.
Reflections is an ongoing project. Please contact us below if you want to help it grow.
Dynamic Duos
A collection of images showcasing the partnership of caregiving.
Gimme a Kiss
A collection of images showcasing the diversity of the caregiver-care receiver kiss
CareGivers' Dictionary
H is for hand
Tony Luciani TEDx Cambridge
A mother and son's photographic journey through dementia